วันอังคารที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

DIY Solar Panels - Building Your Own Solar Panels For Home Renewable Energy

Shifting to renewable energy sources isn't just about getting into the 'green' movement of today. And it isn't just a move to make you look good in the eyes of the environmentalists out there. Remember that the shift to renewable sources of energy is helpful to your family as well as this will lessen your dependence on the traditional sources of energy and you can cut a significant chunk of energy bills.

Renewable energy and energy generators come in many shapes and sizes, but one popular renewable energy source is the heat coming from the sun. That's right, the free sun's rays can also be used and harnessed in order to heat water and generate electricity. You may probably think that doing this is complex and labor intensive. It isn't and it's very easy to assemble devices that can harness this energy source. Power can be harnessed from the sun through the use of DIY solar panels. These DIY solar panels can be assembled by just following simple guidelines and instructions that are available for purchase online.

What people know as solar panels actually come in two types. The first one is the solar photo-voltaic module and the other is the solar thermal collector. If you would like to have a device that can heat water inside your home, then the thermal collector should be used. If you want added electricity then the solar photovoltaic module should be used. The use of these solar panels is a step in a good direction in order to reduce your household's dependence to the traditional energy sources.

DIY Solar Panel Kits

Make your own solar panels from as little as US$2.95 per Watt

As PV solar power becomes more and more popular around the world as a clean, green means of generating electricity, the costs of photovoltaic solar panels have remained stubbornly high - still at at least 4 pounds per Watt for large panels here in the United Kingdom. The weak dollar has made imports from China, Taiwan, and USA more attractive, but once the costs of shipping and customs duty are taken into account, prices are still high.

An alternative to expensive commercial solar panels is to build your own using solar cells. In this article we will look at DIY solar panel kits available from Silicon Solar Inc.

Making Your Own Solar Panels

Solar panels whether commerically-made or DIY-made are constructed by wiring solar cells together in an array. Pictured below is such a solar cell. The Silicon Solar kits are supplied with a set of solar cells, detailed assembly (soldering and wiring) instructions, interconnection material (metal ribbon), a soldering iron, and liquid solder for easy soldering.

Prices start from $48.95 for a 7.7V 1.04A 8 Watt panel kit ($6.11 per Watt), up to $169.95 for a 16.5V 2.55A 42 Watt panel kit ($4.05 per Watt).

How to D.I.Y


