I'm going to show you an easy way to remove spots 95% of the time. It works every time as long as you get to the spot as soon as it happens.
Why would a professional cleaner tell you how to clean spots yourself? Well, there are a few reasons. First, if you have kids or pets in your home, you MUST do some type of interim cleaning.
Most people who have pets get their carpet or rug cleaned once or twice every year. If a pet stain sits in your carpet for six months, it will be more difficult to remove. Carpet needs to be maintained on a regular basis.
Yes, carpet manufacturers recommend professional cleaning at least every year. Some manufacturers actually demand it be done in order to comply with their warranty. Failing to have professional cleaning may void your warranty.
But professional cleaning is only part of the maintenance. Carpet is kept beautiful by vacuuming at least twice per week and taking care of emergency spots IMMEDIATELY after they occur.
What type of machine should you purchase? The brand isn't really as important as making sure you have some type of machine for an emergency. Get a small, hand-held type. The smaller it is, the more likely you are to get it out of the closet. Because let's face it, these happenings are never convenient.
Even a shop vacuum that extracts liquid will do the trick. You can go to the Carpet and Rug Institute's site for machines that are certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute. Bissell, Little Devil, Little Green Machine, etc.
Here's the trick:
1. The first thing you'll need to do is extract all liquid matter from the fibers.
2. Next, treat the area with a neutral PH spot remover (call us or stop by for purchase)
3. Gently blot the spot with a cotton towel
4. If the stain is still there, repeat the process above
5. Last, rinse the spot with water from your spot machine
That's it. It really is that simple.
Now, where people usually go wrong is they skip STEP ONE, which is the most important step of them all. The initial extraction is where you remove the bulk of the spill or accident. Then, the spot remover is used to take care of what's left behind.
As well, you can use a shop wet vacuum to remove the liquid matter. The only difference is you can't rinse with the shop vacuum. Instead, take a glass of water and pour it over the area for a final rinse. Then, extract the rinse water with the shop vacuum.
That's the magic tip. Try it. It works. And if you don't already have a small spot machine or shop vacuum, go out and get one today.