We all fantasize about receiving luxury spa treatment once in a while but that's not always reality. Of course that doesn't mean that you can't experience spa services in the privacy and comfort of your own home. There are plenty of great ways to do it yourself. So maybe you don't have a masseuse and a mud bath facility but a rejuvenating facial once or twice a week is easy and fabulous for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Facial kits and creams can be found at your local drugstore or you can make your own using ingredients found at home. Don't feel pressured into high priced products or services if you can't afford it. There are other ways that work just as well.
Knowing your skin is essential. The type of thing that works well for dry skin won't have the same effect on oily skin. A clay mask is usually applied for those with oily skin. Buy one ready made or look up an easy at home recipe online. There are many sites dedicated to providing this type of information. Don't hesitate to utilize the resources at your fingertips. People suffering from dry and itchy skin should look into cream facials that offer moisturizing benefits. If you purchase facial scrubs or masks, always take care to read and follow the directions thoroughly. It's also a good idea to do a small allergy test on a portion of skin before applying it to your entire face. That's the last place anyone wants to have a bad reaction break out.
Steam is a required part of any facial. Run hot water in the sink or turn the shower on hot and let the bathroom fill with steam. It's excellent for opening up the pores. When your pores are open it's much easier to cleanse oils from your skin. Not only is it great for cleansing but it feels amazing. Creating a mini sauna in your bathroom can be as good as the real thing.
Once you've selected the facial mask and applied it successfully, it's important to leave it on for about fifteen minutes. If you want to throw a couple of cucumber slices on your eyes and kick back in a lounge chair, by all means do so. Though you may want to avoid falling asleep and waking up with a dried mask. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. Alternatives to store bought facials range among everything from berry juice to bananas. The classic recipe of oatmeal and egg whites is no longer the only choice. Many foods are high in vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin.
An at home facial can be done once or twice a week for a healthy glow. If you have problem skin then you may need to do it more or less, depending on your personal needs. A do it yourself facial is a great way to get the benefits of the spa without having to pay the price that goes along with it. There's no reason for anyone to miss out on soft, pampered skin.